
Hey Reed here, I’ve had this Domain for about a week now so I guess I ought to post some on it. I’m gonna try to release a post a day, but I’ve always been ostensibly bad at keeping to scheduled things like this, but I’ll try.

  • 25
    It’s been almost a year again since I wrote a blog post and a lot has happened I think so let me give you a clifnotes recap of whats been going on. I bought a Car in December I moved from Texas in February and got my drivers license from the DPS the day before… Read more: 25
  • Life Moved On Without Me (What’s Going On)
    Been good. Been awhile again sorry. but because I can no longer access the Twitter API I can’t Auto Tweet out my posts any more so I’m not assuming anyone who I don’t send this to is reading it (but if you are wass up). Moving. Man as much as I feel worried about moving… Read more: Life Moved On Without Me (What’s Going On)
  • The Very Beginning: Information Recall
    It feels like much longer ago than it was now when I think back on my first experiences with D&D. I guess the memories of starting out and playing for the first time will forever be wrapped up within the slog of other things from that time period and memories I made then. Either way… Read more: The Very Beginning: Information Recall
  • Spiderman Across the Spiderverse
    Writing this on my way to work for opening night of this movie so I’m gonna keep this short. The level of expectation for this movie was astronomical with its first film marking a new generation of creative and wondrous animated films which it inspired. With that said I have to be honest with saying… Read more: Spiderman Across the Spiderverse
  • For Documentation Purposes Only
    Got some news. Went 3 interviews deep for a position I was overly qualified for. Worked to keep an open line of communication between myself and the hiring party. Throughout the whole process I was as flexible as I could be with my time so I could make it work out and still nothing. Time… Read more: For Documentation Purposes Only