Blog Posts


It’s been almost a year again since I wrote a blog post and a lot has happened I think so let me give you a clifnotes recap of whats been going on.

I bought a Car in December

I moved from Texas in February and got my drivers license from the DPS the day before we drove away in our U-Haul truck. I drove for 16 hours straight on the first day. It was my first time driving for longer than 20 mins and my first time driving on a Highway. We drove 2000+ miles to Washington

Now living in Washington I was working for the same movie theater company that I was in Texas. I was told that I would be making 22+ dollars there because of my time with the company but when I got up here they said the only thing they could offer me as 19.10. So that was a change in plans, but I needed a job so I could pay rent so I took the pay cut and licked my wounds making just about 14 dollars an hour after state tax was taken out.

Some month or so goes by and I’m called to my bosses office. He says to me that they don’t have any hours to give to managers and that he feels obligated to give the hours that they do have to the managers that have been working there for a longer time. He says he feels bad but he’s going to have to start reducing my hours until I don’t get any at all (Soft Firing Me) and says I should start looking for other jobs because its only a 1 month time table. Bruh moment

I applied to every job I could find for a couple of weeks while still working more regularly the theater and when i say everything I mean everything Train Conductor, Geologist, Soldering Engineer, Line Cook, everything.

After weeks I’m working at what I thought could had been my last shift at the theater cleaning like normal and I receive a call on my phone from an unknown Californian phone number. I’m not sure why, maybe I thought it was my sister’s new number or something, but I answered the call. A man on the other line with a Turkish accent asked me when I was available to do an interview, I honestly didn’t know what job I’d be interviewing for after applying to so many jobs, but I needed a no so I told him Thursday (which was two days away). He said Thursday would work and gave me an address of where to go. I looked up the address and found it was a TV station? One of the jobs I’d applied for three weeks ago, maybe one of the first jobs I did apply for. I still didn’t really understand what the job was but I’d be damned if I didn’t put my whole focus on making sure I had a good interview.

Two days later, it’s a one hour drive to the station. Call my dad while I’m driving, he doesn’t understand the job, I dont either still tbh but I know who I am. I’m ready to interview especially for a technical job I’ve always picked up trades like this fast. I get to the station and I’m just standing at a locked door until a woman comes out and asks me what I’m doing there. I explain that I was there to interview and she takes me in and brings me to the man I talked to on the phone and a table of other people that ask me to sit down and talk with them. Im thinking ‘oh fuck who are these people’ but I remember that I gotta pay rent and let me tell you I worked that interview like that rent was due. After the interview I was told I would be receiving a email for onboarding and the job offer.

Still got a 100% interview to get the job ratio. Damn I’m good at bullshitting. 2 weeks later I was training with 2 people who said they’ve been in this career field for 20+ years. Damn. 2 weeks of training pass and we’re about to be trained by a guy who writes the program we’ll be using and that 3 more people will be joining us during training. Only 1 of the 3 actually was able to join the training a guy younger than me (also an audio guy) felt a little better after that. The last 2 members of the team would join us after training, one moving from Michigan and the other from the Netherlands for this job.

6 month since then I’ve become one of the most valuable members of our team and learned as much as I could. But were down a team member again because Josh needed to move back to the Netherlands to take care of his family.

Sorry for the abrupt time skip in the story just thought it was getting boring

I started writing this post weeks ago and a lot of other things have happened.

I went to some Melee locals for the first time and won a set of competitive super smash bros Melee while playing Bowser for the first time. And met some cool people

Numerous things done and shows watched with my roommates. Even saw the aurora borealis with them

Deadass things have been going well but I’m starting to feel strange, like how did I get here? Idk but I’m gonna try to ride the train until I’m kicked off I guess. Also I turned 25.

Oh and right after I got my new job 2 managers were fired at the theater and I was asked to go full time again but I make 10 dollars an hour less there so….

Blog post is long af so I’m gonna stop it here. Tried to upload pictures as well but I couldn’t.

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