Bias Reviews MCU Propagada

Not my Quantumania Review: 3/7 just ok.

I’m gonna keep this quick because it’s 3:11 in the morning and I have to work tomorrow. Plus I haven’t done one of these in awhile. Gonna start by saying not to read this if you don’t want any spoilers. Gonna put the rest on the next page.

MCU Propagada

I hate that I’m starting to like Thor Ragnarok 🥲🥲🥲

Thor Ragnarok truthfully treats 2 of my favorite MCU characters like clowns (Hulk and The Grandmaster). It also completely destroys the possibility of ever doing an MCU Planet Hulk movie, one of my top 3 favorite Marvel stories of all time. That being said. I’ve began to like parts of the movie. I like how […]

MCU Propagada

Doctor Strange is one of my Favorite Marvel Movies: And it Fucking Sucks

I remember watching this movie when it came out. The merry band of Me, my Uncle, my Dad, and my best friend Jackson strolled into the theater I worked at that day, we split into 2 units The Ancient Ones (my dad and uncle) and The Children (Jackson and I). This is an irrelevant story […]