Time Keeping in Ghull

Ghull has a total of 594 days within its year which is split into 18 months with 33 days each. each 3 month is an individual season represented by the change of weather.
Ghull has Four Moons Naantar, Micarro, Massiivinen, and Carraig. Named by the Mystic Arcanum after legendary individuals
Ghull has one Sun-like Celestial Body unofficially named Seladon

Beginning of the New Year

Beginning of the Season of Frostgale, a cold and dry season which kills many plants.

End of the Season of Frostgale

Beginning of Bloomrise, a warming season where plants begin to flourish once again.

Ending of Bloomrise

Beginning of Highceladon a hot and humid season known for droughts and the beginning of sandstorms

End of Highceledon

Beginning of Shoreshock a season represented by heavy and unruly rain and waves

End of Shoreshock

Beginning of Tearmicarro a season represented by sandstorms and solar lights/storms

End of Tearmicarro

Beginning of Sunwane a season represented by moderate rain cooling temperature and the dying of plants.

End of The Year